461 lines
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461 lines
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package com.bib.essensbestellungsverwaltung;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
import java.security.spec.KeySpec;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.List;
* A collection of functions loosely related to account management
* Acts as an abstraction layer to the database
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
public class AccountMgr {
static User currentUser = null;
* creates a user with createUser(...) and adds its id to the 'worker' table
* @param worker the worker to be created
* @return userid or -1
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static long createWorker(Worker worker) {
long id = createUser(worker);
String sId = String.valueOf(id);
Database.insert("worker", new String[] { "userid" }, new String[] { sId });
return id;
* creates a user with createUser(...) and adds its id to the 'parent' table
* @param parent the parent to be created
* @return userid or -1
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static long createParent(Parent parent) {
long id = createUser(parent);
String sId = String.valueOf(id);
Database.insert("parent", new String[] { "userid" }, new String[] { sId });
return id;
* adds a user to the database
* @param user the user to be created
* @return userid or -1
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static long createUser(User user) {
String[] userH = { "name", "firstname", "addressid", "password", "email" };
String name = user.getName();
String firstname = user.getFirstname();
String pw = hashAndSalt(user.getPassword(), getSalt());
String email = user.getEmail();
long addressId = user.getAddress().getId();
if (addressId < 1) {
addressId = createAddress(user.getAddress());
String[] userD = { name, firstname, String.valueOf(addressId), pw, email };
return Database.insert("user", userH, userD);
* adds an address to the database
* @param address the address to be created
* @return id or -1
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static long createAddress(Address address) {
String[] addressH = { "street", "number", "plz", "city" };
String[] addressD = { address.getStreet(), address.getNumber(), address.getPlz(), address.getCity() };
return Database.insert("address", addressH, addressD);
* adds a child and allergies to the database
* @param child the child to be created
* @return id of child or -1
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static long createChild(Child child) {
String[] childH = { "name", "firstname", "addressid" };
String[] childD = { child.getName(), child.getFirstname(), String.valueOf(child.getAddress().getId()) };
long id = Database.insert("child", childH, childD);
String[] child_allergyH = { "childid", "allergyid", "severityid" };
for (AllergySeverity allergy : child.getAllergies()) {
String sId = String.valueOf(id);
String sAllergyId = String.valueOf(allergy.getAllergy().getId());
String sSeverityId = String.valueOf(allergy.getSeverityId());
String[] child_allergyD = { sId, sAllergyId, sSeverityId };
Database.insert("child_allergy", child_allergyH, child_allergyD);
return id;
* update Child
* @param child the child to be updated
* @return id of child
* @author Johannes Kantz
protected static long updateChild(Child child) {
String[] childH = { "id", "name", "firstname", "addressid" };
String[] childD = { String.valueOf(child.getId()), child.getName(), child.getFirstname(),
String.valueOf(child.getAddress().getId()) };
long updates = Database.update("child", childH, childD);
String[] child_allergyH = { "childid", "allergyid", "severityid" };
Database.select("child_allergy", new String[] { "childid" }, new String[] { String.valueOf(child.getId()) })
.stream().forEach(row -> {
String allergyId = row.split(":")[0];
Database.delete("child_allergy", Integer.parseInt(allergyId));
for (AllergySeverity allergy : child.getAllergies()) {
String sId = String.valueOf(child.getId());
String sAllergyId = String.valueOf(allergy.getAllergy().getId());
String sSeverityId = String.valueOf(allergy.getSeverityId());
String[] child_allergyD = { sId, sAllergyId, sSeverityId };
Database.insert("child_allergy", child_allergyH, child_allergyD);
return updates;
* delete Child
* @author Johannes Kantz
protected static void deleteChildWithId(long id) {
Database.delete("child", id);
Database.select("child_allergy", new String[] { "childid" }, new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }).stream()
.forEach(row -> {
String allergyId = row.split(":")[0];
Database.delete("child_allergy", Integer.parseInt(allergyId));
* returns a User(Worker | Parent) for a given id or null if no unique id was
* found
* @param id id of the User
* @return User(Worker | Parent) or null
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static User getUserById(long id) {
List<String> entry = Database.getEntryById("user", id);
if (entry.size() != 1) {
return null;
String[] parts = entry.get(0).split(":");
Address address = getAddressById(id);
if (isWorker(String.valueOf(id))) {
return new Worker(id, parts[1], parts[2], parts[4], parts[5], address);
} else {
String[] parent_childH = { "parentuserid" };
String[] parent_childD = { String.valueOf(id) };
List<Child> children = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> parent_childEntries = Database.select("parent_child", parent_childH, parent_childD);
for (String parent_childEntry : parent_childEntries) {
String[] parent_childParts = parent_childEntry.split(":");
return new Parent(id, parts[1], parts[2], parts[4], parts[5], address, children);
* returns a Child for a given id or null if no unique id was found
* @param id id of child
* @return Child or null
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static Child getChildById(long id) {
List<String> entry = Database.getEntryById("child", id);
if (entry.size() != 1) {
return null;
String[] parts = entry.get(0).split(":");
String[] child_allergyH = { "childid" };
String[] child_allergyD = { String.valueOf(id) };
List<String> entriesAllergy = Database.select("child_allergy", child_allergyH, child_allergyD);
List<AllergySeverity> allergySeverities = new ArrayList<>();
for (String entryAllergy : entriesAllergy) {
String[] allergyParts = entryAllergy.split(":");
List<String> severity = Database.getEntryById("severity", Long.parseLong(allergyParts[3]));
String sSeverity = severity.get(0).split(":")[1];
long lSeverity = Long.parseLong(severity.get(0).split(":")[0]);
new AllergySeverity(FoodMgr.getAllergyById(Long.parseLong(allergyParts[2])), lSeverity, sSeverity));
return new Child(id, parts[1], parts[2], getAddressById(Long.parseLong(parts[3])), allergySeverities);
* returns all Children
* @return {List<Child} List with Childen or empty List
* @author Johannes Kantz
protected static List<Child> getAllChildren() {
List<String> entry = Database.getTable("child");
if (entry.size() < 1) {
return new ArrayList<>();
List<Child> children = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : entry) {
String[] parts = s.split(":");
String[] child_allergyH = { "childid" };
String[] child_allergyD = { String.valueOf(parts[0]) };
List<String> entriesAllergy = Database.select("child_allergy", child_allergyH, child_allergyD);
List<AllergySeverity> allergySeverities = new ArrayList<>();
for (String entryAllergy : entriesAllergy) {
String[] allergyParts = entryAllergy.split(":");
List<String> severity = Database.getEntryById("severity", Long.parseLong(allergyParts[3]));
String sSeverity = severity.get(0).split(":")[1];
long lSeverity = Long.parseLong(severity.get(0).split(":")[0]);
allergySeverities.add(new AllergySeverity(FoodMgr.getAllergyById(Long.parseLong(allergyParts[2])),
lSeverity, sSeverity));
children.add(new Child(Long.parseLong(parts[0]), parts[1], parts[2],
getAddressById(Long.parseLong(parts[3])), allergySeverities));
return children;
* returns all Children from parent
* @param id parentid
* @return {List<Child} List with Childen or empty List
* @author Johannes Kantz
protected static List<Child> getAllChildrenFromParentWithId(long id) {
List<String> entry = Database.select("parent_child", new String[] { "parentuserid" },
new String[] { String.valueOf(id) });
if (entry.size() < 1) {
return new ArrayList<>();
List<String> childIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : entry) {
String[] parts = s.split(":");
List<Child> children = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : childIds) {
List<String> child = Database.getEntryById("child", Long.parseLong(s));
String[] parts = child.get(0).split(":");
String[] child_allergyH = { "childid" };
String[] child_allergyD = { String.valueOf(parts[0]) };
List<String> entriesAllergy = Database.select("child_allergy", child_allergyH, child_allergyD);
List<AllergySeverity> allergySeverities = new ArrayList<>();
for (String entryAllergy : entriesAllergy) {
String[] allergyParts = entryAllergy.split(":");
List<String> severity = Database.getEntryById("severity", Long.parseLong(allergyParts[3]));
String sSeverity = severity.get(0).split(":")[1];
long lSeverity = Long.parseLong(severity.get(0).split(":")[0]);
allergySeverities.add(new AllergySeverity(FoodMgr.getAllergyById(Long.parseLong(allergyParts[2])),
lSeverity, sSeverity));
children.add(new Child(Long.parseLong(parts[0]), parts[1], parts[2],
getAddressById(Long.parseLong(parts[3])), allergySeverities));
return children;
* returns an Address for a given id or null if no unique id was found
* @param id id of the address
* @return Address or null
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static Address getAddressById(long id) {
List<String> entry = Database.getEntryById("address", id);
if (entry.size() != 1) {
return null;
String[] parts = entry.get(0).split(":");
return new Address(Long.parseLong(parts[0]), parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], parts[4]);
* creates entries in the database to match parent to child
* @param parentId id of parent
* @param childId id of child
* @return id of parent_child or -1
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static long matchParentChild(String parentId, String childId) {
String[] parent_childH = { "parentuserid", "childid" };
String[] parent_childD = { parentId, childId };
return Database.insert("parent_child", parent_childH, parent_childD);
* a simple login to check if a given email matches a password
* @param email email
* @param pw password
* @return id or -1
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static long login(String email, String pw) {
String[] pwH = { "email" };
String[] pwD = { email };
List<String> foundEmail = Database.select("user", pwH, pwD);
String salt;
if (foundEmail.size() == 1) {
String[] userParts = foundEmail.get(0).split(":");
String[] pwParts = userParts[4].split("\\.");
salt = pwParts[1];
} else {
// no unique user found; still calculating a hash for security reasons
salt = getSalt();
String[] userH = { "email", "password" };
String[] userD = { email, hashAndSalt(pw, salt) };
return Database.getSingleId("user", userH, userD);
* checks if id is in worker table
* @param id userid
* @return true if id is in worker table
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static boolean isWorker(String id) {
String[] workerH = { "userid" };
String[] workerD = { id };
long workerId = Database.getSingleId("worker", workerH, workerD);
return workerId > 0;
* checks if id is in parent table
* @param id userid
* @return true if id is in parent table
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static boolean isParent(String id) {
String[] parentH = { "userid" };
String[] parentD = { id };
long parentId = Database.getSingleId("parent", parentH, parentD);
return parentId > 0;
* returns a hashed and salted password
* @param pw the password to hash
* @return hashed and salted password
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
private static String hashAndSalt(String pw, String salt) {
Base64.Decoder dec = Base64.getDecoder();
byte[] bySalt = dec.decode(salt);
KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(pw.toCharArray(), bySalt, 310001, 256);
String hashedPw;
try {
SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1");
byte[] hash = factory.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded();
Base64.Encoder enc = Base64.getEncoder();
hashedPw = enc.encodeToString(hash);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
hashedPw += "." + salt;
return hashedPw;
* generates a secure random salt, Base64 encoded
* @return String Base64 encoded
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
private static String getSalt() {
SecureRandom sec = new SecureRandom();
byte[] salt = new byte[16];
Base64.Encoder enc = Base64.getEncoder();
return enc.encodeToString(salt);
* gives the invoice for one month and one child
* @param date YYYY-MM the month
* @param childId id of child
* @return the invoice as a List
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static List<String> getInvoice(String date, String childId) {
List<String> invoice = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> child = Database.getEntryById("child", Long.parseLong(childId));
if (child.size() != 1) {
return invoice;
invoice.add("Monatsabrechnung " + date);
String[] childParts = child.get(0).split(":");
invoice.add(childParts[1] + ", " + childParts[2]);
String[] food_planH = { "date" };
String[] food_planD = { date + "%" };
List<String> food_plan = Database.select("food_plan", food_planH, food_planD);
for (String day : food_plan) {
String[] food_planParts = day.split(":");
String[] food_selectionH = { "childid", "food_planid" };
String[] food_selectionD = { childId, food_planParts[0] };
List<String> food_selection = Database.select("food_selection", food_selectionH, food_selectionD);
for (String food_select : food_selection) {
String[] food_selectParts = food_select.split(":");
List<String> food = Database.getEntryById("food", Long.parseLong(food_selectParts[3]));
String[] foodParts = food.get(0).split(":");
String line = food_planParts[1] + ": " + foodParts[1];
double price = getPrice();
invoice.add("Total: " + (invoice.size() - 2) + " X " + price + "€ = " + ((invoice.size() - 2) * price) + "€");
return invoice;
* gets the price per meal from the database and converts it to double
* @return double price
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static double getPrice() {
List<String> priceEntry = Database.getEntryById("price", 1);
return Double.parseDouble(priceEntry.get(0).split(":")[1]) / 100.0;
* converts the price per meal to integer and updates it in the database
* @param price double
* @author Malte Schulze Hobeling
protected static void setPrice(double price) {
String[] priceH = { "id", "price" };
String[] priceD = { "1", String.valueOf((int) (price * 100)) };
Database.update("price", priceH, priceD);