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# Get current status of a VPN connection with options to connect/disconnect.
# Working with OpenConnect, but can work with any executable VPN. Commands
# that require admin permissions should be whitelisted with 'visudo', e.g.:
#joesmith ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/openconnect
#joesmith ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/killall -2 openconnect
# <xbar.title>VPN Status</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
# <xbar.author>Jesse Jarzynka</xbar.author>
# <xbar.author.github>jessejoe</xbar.author.github>
# <xbar.desc>Displays status of a VPN interface with option to connect/disconnect.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image>http://i.imgur.com/RkmptwO.png</xbar.image>
VPN_EXECUTABLE=$(which openconnect)
VPN_EXECUTABLE_PARAMS="--servercert pin-sha256:NFR9+lG+7SvvEqnraijD1l5R1ShK9KKtwYjqedfx78U= --protocol=fortinet" # Optional
# A command that will result in your VPN password. Recommend using
# "security find-generic-password -g -a foo" where foo is an account
# in your OSX Keychain, to avoid passwords stored in plain text
GET_VPN_PASSWORD="security find-generic-password -g -a $VPN_USERNAME 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -d'\"' -f2"
# Command to determine if VPN is connected or disconnected
VPN_CONNECTED="ifconfig | egrep -A1 'inet 172.[123][0-9]' |cut -d' ' -f2"
# Command to run to disconnect VPN
VPN_DISCONNECT_CMD="sudo killall -2 openconnect"
# Get IP of Current VPN Tunnel
IP=$(ifconfig | egrep -A1 'inet 172.[123][0-9]' |cut -d' ' -f2)
case "$1" in
# VPN connection command, should eventually result in $VPN_CONNECTED,
# may need to be modified for VPN clients other than openconnect
echo "$VPN_PASSWORD" | sudo "$VPN_EXECUTABLE" $VPN_EXECUTABLE_PARAMS --user "$VPN_USERNAME" --passwd-on-stdin "$VPN_HOST" &> /dev/null &
IP=$(ifconfig | egrep -A1 'inet 172.[123][0-9]' |cut -d' ' -f2)
while [ -z $IP ]; do sleep 0.5 ; IP=$(ifconfig | egrep -A1 'inet 172.[123][0-9]' |cut -d' ' -f2) ; done
msg='display notification "Erfolgreich verbunden \nConnected User: '$VPN_USERNAME'" with title "OpenFortiVPN" subtitle "Deine IP lautet: '$IP'" sound name "Brise"'
errmsg='display notification "Verbindungsversuch nicht erfolgreich" with title "OpenFortiVPN" subtitle "Schade" sound name "Brise"'
if [[ $IP =~ 172 ]] ; then osascript -e "$msg" ; else osascript -e "$errmsg" ; fi
# Wait for connection so menu item refreshes instantly
until eval "$VPN_CONNECTED"; do sleep 1; done
# Wait for disconnection so menu item refreshes instantly
until [ -z "$(eval "$VPN_CONNECTED")" ]; do sleep 1; done
osascript -e 'display notification "VPN Tunnel erfolgreich geschlossen" with title "OpenFortiVPN" subtitle "Mach Feierabend" sound name "Submarine"'
if [ -n "$(eval "$VPN_CONNECTED")" ]; then
echo "VPN ✔ | color=green"
echo '---'
echo "Disconnect VPN | bash='$0' param1=disconnect terminal=false refresh=true"
echo "User: $(ps -ef | grep -e '--user\ ' | cut -d' ' -f 33)"
echo "IP: $IP"
echo "VPN ❌ | color=red"
echo '---'
echo "Connect VPN | bash='$0' param1=connect param2=alessa.mielemeier@edu-up.de terminal=false refresh=true"