#ifndef UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_INCLUDED #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_INCLUDED #ifdef UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_ENABLED #if UNITY_OLD_PREPROCESSOR #error DOTS Instancing requires the new shader preprocessor. Please enable Caching Preprocessor in the Editor settings! #endif /* Here's a bit of python code to generate these repetitive typespecs without a lot of C macro magic def print_dots_instancing_typespecs(elem_type, id_char, elem_size): print(f"#define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_{elem_type} {id_char}{elem_size}") for y in range(1, 5): for x in range(1, 5): rows = "" if y == 1 else f"x{y}" size = elem_size * x * y print(f"#define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_{elem_type}{x}{rows} {id_char}{size}") for t, c, sz in ( ('float', 'F', 4), ('int', 'I', 4), ('uint', 'U', 4), ('half', 'H', 2) ): print_dots_instancing_typespecs(t, c, sz) */ #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float F4 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float1 F4 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float2 F8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float3 F12 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float4 F16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float1x2 F8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float2x2 F16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float3x2 F24 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float4x2 F32 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float1x3 F12 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float2x3 F24 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float3x3 F36 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float4x3 F48 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float1x4 F16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float2x4 F32 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float3x4 F48 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_float4x4 F64 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int I4 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int1 I4 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int2 I8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int3 I12 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int4 I16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int1x2 I8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int2x2 I16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int3x2 I24 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int4x2 I32 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int1x3 I12 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int2x3 I24 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int3x3 I36 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int4x3 I48 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int1x4 I16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int2x4 I32 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int3x4 I48 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_int4x4 I64 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint U4 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint1 U4 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint2 U8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint3 U12 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint4 U16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint1x2 U8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint2x2 U16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint3x2 U24 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint4x2 U32 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint1x3 U12 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint2x3 U24 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint3x3 U36 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint4x3 U48 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint1x4 U16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint2x4 U32 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint3x4 U48 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_uint4x4 U64 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half H2 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half1 H2 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half2 H4 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half3 H6 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half4 H8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half1x2 H4 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half2x2 H8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half3x2 H12 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half4x2 H16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half1x3 H6 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half2x3 H12 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half3x3 H18 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half4x3 H24 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half1x4 H8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half2x4 H16 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half3x4 H24 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_half4x4 H32 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_min16float H2 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_min16float4 H8 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_SH F128 #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_CONCAT2(a, b) a ## b #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_CONCAT4(a, b, c, d) a ## b ## c ## d #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_CONCAT_WITH_METADATA(metadata_prefix, typespec, name) UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_CONCAT4(metadata_prefix, typespec, _Metadata, name) // Metadata constants for properties have the following name format: // unity_DOTSInstancing_Metadata // where // is a single character element type specifier (e.g. F for float4x4) // F = float, I = int, U = uint, H = half // is the total size of the property in bytes (e.g. 64 for float4x4) // is the name of the property // NOTE: There is no underscore between 'Metadata' and to avoid a double // underscore in the common case where the property name starts with an underscore. // A prefix double underscore is illegal on some platforms like OpenGL. #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(type, name) UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_CONCAT_WITH_METADATA(unity_DOTSInstancing, UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_CONCAT2(UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_TYPESPEC_, type), name) #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_START(name) cbuffer UnityDOTSInstancing_##name { #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_END(name) } #define UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP(type, name) uint UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(type, name); #define UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP(type, var) LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type(UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(type, var)) #define UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_AND_TRADITIONAL_INSTANCED_PROP(type, arr, var) LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type(UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(type, var)) #define UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP_WITH_DEFAULT(type, var) LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type(var, UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(type, var)) #define UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_AND_TRADITIONAL_INSTANCED_PROP_WITH_DEFAULT(type, arr, var) LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type(var, UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(type, var)) #define UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP_WITH_CUSTOM_DEFAULT(type, var, default_value) LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type(default_value, UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(type, var)) #define UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_AND_TRADITIONAL_INSTANCED_PROP_WITH_CUSTOM_DEFAULT(type, arr, var, default_value) LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type(default_value, UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(type, var)) #ifdef UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_UNIFORM_BUFFER CBUFFER_START(unity_DOTSInstanceData) float4 unity_DOTSInstanceDataRaw[1024]; // warning: if you change 1024 value, you should also change BatchRendererGroup::GetConstantBufferMaxWindowSize() function in the c++ code base CBUFFER_END #else ByteAddressBuffer unity_DOTSInstanceData; #endif // DOTS instanced shaders do not get globals from UnityPerDraw automatically. // Instead, the BatchRendererGroup user must provide this cbuffer and/or // set up DOTS instanced properties for the values. // NOTE: Do *NOT* use the string "Globals" in this cbuffer name, cbuffers // with those kinds of names will be automatically renamed. CBUFFER_START(unity_DOTSInstanceGlobalValues) float4 unity_DOTS_ProbesOcclusion; float4 unity_DOTS_SpecCube0_HDR; float4 unity_DOTS_SpecCube1_HDR; float4 unity_DOTS_SHAr; float4 unity_DOTS_SHAg; float4 unity_DOTS_SHAb; float4 unity_DOTS_SHBr; float4 unity_DOTS_SHBg; float4 unity_DOTS_SHBb; float4 unity_DOTS_SHC; CBUFFER_END // The data has to be wrapped inside a struct, otherwise the instancing code path // on some platforms does not trigger. struct DOTSVisibleData { uint4 VisibleData; }; // The name of this cbuffer has to start with "UnityInstancing" and a struct so it's // detected as an "instancing cbuffer" by some platforms that use string matching // to detect this. CBUFFER_START(UnityInstancingDOTS_InstanceVisibility) DOTSVisibleData unity_DOTSVisibleInstances[256]; // warning: if you change 256 value you should also change kBRGVisibilityGLESMaxElementCount in c++ code base CBUFFER_END // Keep these in sync with SRP Batcher DOTSInstancingFlags static const uint kDOTSInstancingFlagFlipWinding = (1 << 0); // Flip triangle winding when rendering, e.g. when the scale is negative static const uint kDOTSInstancingFlagForceZeroMotion = (1 << 1); // Object should produce zero motion vectors when rendered in the motion pass static const uint kDOTSInstancingFlagCameraMotion = (1 << 2); // Object uses Camera motion (i.e. not per-Object motion) static const uint kDOTSInstancingFlagHasPrevPosition = (1 << 3); // Object has a separate previous frame position vertex streams (e.g. for deformed objects) static const uint kDOTSInstancingFlagMainLightEnabled = (1 << 4); // Object should receive direct lighting from the main light (e.g. light not baked into lightmap) static const uint kPerInstanceDataBit = 0x80000000; static const uint kAddressMask = 0x7fffffff; static DOTSVisibleData unity_SampledDOTSVisibleData; static real4 unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAr; static real4 unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAg; static real4 unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAb; static real4 unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBr; static real4 unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBg; static real4 unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBb; static real4 unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHC; static real4 unity_DOTS_Sampled_ProbesOcclusion; uint GetDOTSInstanceIndex() { return unity_SampledDOTSVisibleData.VisibleData.x; } #ifdef UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_UNIFORM_BUFFER // In UBO mode we precompute our select masks based on our instance index. // All base addresses are aligned by 16, so we already know which offsets // the instance index will load (modulo 16). // All float1 loads will share the select4 masks, and all float2 loads // will share the select2 mask. // These variables are single assignment only, and should hopefully be well // optimizable and dead code eliminatable for the compiler. static uint unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select4_Mask0; static uint unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select4_Mask1; static uint unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select2_Mask; // The compiler should dead code eliminate the parts of this that are not used by the shader. void SetupDOTSInstanceSelectMasks() { uint instanceIndex = GetDOTSInstanceIndex(); uint offsetSingleChannel = instanceIndex << 2; // float: stride 4 bytes // x = 0 = 00 // y = 1 = 01 // z = 2 = 10 // w = 3 = 11 // Lowest 2 bits are zero, all accesses are aligned, // and base addresses are aligned by 16. // Bits 29 and 28 give the channel index. // NOTE: Mask generation was rewritten to this form specifically to avoid codegen // correctness issues on GLES. unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select4_Mask0 = (offsetSingleChannel & 0x4) ? 0xffffffff : 0; unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select4_Mask1 = (offsetSingleChannel & 0x8) ? 0xffffffff : 0; // Select2 mask is the same as the low bit mask of select4, since // (x << 3) << 28 == (x << 2) << 29 unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select2_Mask = unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select4_Mask0; } #else // This is a no-op in SSBO mode void SetupDOTSInstanceSelectMasks() {} #endif void SetDOTSVisibleData(DOTSVisibleData visibleData) { unity_SampledDOTSVisibleData = visibleData; SetupDOTSInstanceSelectMasks(); } void SetupDOTSVisibleInstancingData() { SetDOTSVisibleData(unity_DOTSVisibleInstances[unity_InstanceID]); } int GetDOTSInstanceCrossfadeSnorm8() { return unity_SampledDOTSVisibleData.VisibleData.y; } bool IsDOTSInstancedProperty(uint metadata) { return (metadata & kPerInstanceDataBit) != 0; } // Stride is typically expected to be a compile-time literal here, so this should // be optimized into shifts and other cheap ALU ops by the compiler. uint ComputeDOTSInstanceOffset(uint instanceIndex, uint stride) { return instanceIndex * stride; } uint ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddress(uint metadata, uint stride) { uint isOverridden = metadata & kPerInstanceDataBit; // Sign extend per-instance data bit so it can just be ANDed with the offset uint offsetMask = (uint)((int)isOverridden >> 31); uint baseAddress = metadata & kAddressMask; uint offset = ComputeDOTSInstanceOffset(GetDOTSInstanceIndex(), stride); offset &= offsetMask; return baseAddress + offset; } // This version assumes that the high bit of the metadata is set (= per instance data). // Useful if the call site has already branched over this. uint ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddressOverridden(uint metadata, uint stride) { uint baseAddress = metadata & kAddressMask; uint offset = ComputeDOTSInstanceOffset(GetDOTSInstanceIndex(), stride); return baseAddress + offset; } #ifdef UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_UNIFORM_BUFFER uint DOTSInstanceData_Select(uint addressOrOffset, uint4 v) { uint mask0 = unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select4_Mask0; uint mask1 = unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select4_Mask1; return (((v.w & mask0) | (v.z & ~mask0)) & mask1) | (((v.y & mask0) | (v.x & ~mask0)) & ~mask1); } uint2 DOTSInstanceData_Select2(uint addressOrOffset, uint4 v) { uint mask0 = unity_DOTSInstanceData_Select2_Mask; return (v.zw & mask0) | (v.xy & ~mask0); } uint DOTSInstanceData_Load(uint address) { uint float4Index = address >> 4; uint4 raw = asuint(unity_DOTSInstanceDataRaw[float4Index]); return DOTSInstanceData_Select(address, raw); } uint2 DOTSInstanceData_Load2(uint address) { uint float4Index = address >> 4; uint4 raw = asuint(unity_DOTSInstanceDataRaw[float4Index]); return DOTSInstanceData_Select2(address, raw); } uint4 DOTSInstanceData_Load4(uint address) { uint float4Index = address >> 4; return asuint(unity_DOTSInstanceDataRaw[float4Index]); } uint3 DOTSInstanceData_Load3(uint address) { // This is likely to be slow, tightly packed float3s are tricky switch (address & 0xf) { default: case 0: return DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address).xyz; case 4: return DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address).yzw; case 8: { uint float4Index = address >> 4; uint4 raw0 = asuint(unity_DOTSInstanceDataRaw[float4Index]); uint4 raw1 = asuint(unity_DOTSInstanceDataRaw[float4Index + 1]); uint3 v; v.xy = raw0.zw; v.z = raw1.x; return v; } case 12: { uint float4Index = address >> 4; uint4 raw0 = asuint(unity_DOTSInstanceDataRaw[float4Index]); uint4 raw1 = asuint(unity_DOTSInstanceDataRaw[float4Index + 1]); uint3 v; v.x = raw0.w; v.yz = raw1.xy; return v; } } } #else uint DOTSInstanceData_Load(uint address) { return unity_DOTSInstanceData.Load(address); } uint2 DOTSInstanceData_Load2(uint address) { return unity_DOTSInstanceData.Load2(address); } uint3 DOTSInstanceData_Load3(uint address) { return unity_DOTSInstanceData.Load3(address); } uint4 DOTSInstanceData_Load4(uint address) { return unity_DOTSInstanceData.Load4(address); } #endif #define DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_SCALAR(type, conv, sizeof_type) \ type LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type(uint metadata) \ { \ uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddress(metadata, sizeof_type); \ return conv(DOTSInstanceData_Load(address)); \ } \ type LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type(type default_value, uint metadata) \ { \ uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddressOverridden(metadata, sizeof_type); \ return IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata) ? \ conv(DOTSInstanceData_Load(address)) : default_value; \ } #define DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(type, width, conv, sizeof_type) \ type##width LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type##width(uint metadata) \ { \ uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddress(metadata, sizeof_type * width); \ return conv(DOTSInstanceData_Load##width(address)); \ } \ type##width LoadDOTSInstancedData_##type##width(type##width default_value, uint metadata) \ { \ uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddressOverridden(metadata, sizeof_type * width); \ return IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata) ? \ conv(DOTSInstanceData_Load##width(address)) : default_value; \ } DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_SCALAR(float, asfloat, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_SCALAR(int, int, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_SCALAR(uint, uint, 4) //DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_SCALAR(half, half, 2) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(float, 2, asfloat, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(float, 3, asfloat, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(float, 4, asfloat, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(int, 2, int2, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(int, 3, int3, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(int, 4, int4, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(uint, 2, uint2, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(uint, 3, uint3, 4) DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(uint, 4, uint4, 4) //DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(half, 2, half2, 2) //DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(half, 3, half3, 2) //DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR(half, 4, half4, 2) half LoadDOTSInstancedData_half(uint metadata) { float f = LoadDOTSInstancedData_float(metadata); min16float f16 = min16float(f); return f16; } half4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_half4(uint metadata) { float4 f = LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4(metadata); min16float4 f16x4 = min16float4(f.x, f.y, f.z, f.w); return f16x4; } min16float LoadDOTSInstancedData_min16float(uint metadata) { return min16float(LoadDOTSInstancedData_half(metadata)); } min16float4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_min16float4(uint metadata) { return min16float4(LoadDOTSInstancedData_half4(metadata)); } min16float LoadDOTSInstancedData_min16float(min16float default_value, uint metadata) { return IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata) ? LoadDOTSInstancedData_min16float(metadata) : default_value; } min16float4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_min16float4(min16float4 default_value, uint metadata) { return IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata) ? LoadDOTSInstancedData_min16float4(metadata) : default_value; } // TODO: Other matrix sizes float4x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4(uint metadata) { uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddress(metadata, 4 * 16); float4 p1 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 0 * 16)); float4 p2 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 1 * 16)); float4 p3 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 2 * 16)); float4 p4 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 3 * 16)); return float4x4( p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y, p1.z, p2.z, p3.z, p4.z, p1.w, p2.w, p3.w, p4.w); } float4x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4_from_float3x4(uint metadata) { uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddress(metadata, 3 * 16); float4 p1 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 0 * 16)); float4 p2 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 1 * 16)); float4 p3 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 2 * 16)); return float4x4( p1.x, p1.w, p2.z, p3.y, p1.y, p2.x, p2.w, p3.z, p1.z, p2.y, p3.x, p3.w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); } float4x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4_from_float3x4_overridden(uint metadata) { uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddressOverridden(metadata, 3 * 16); float4 p1 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 0 * 16)); float4 p2 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 1 * 16)); float4 p3 = asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 2 * 16)); return float4x4( p1.x, p1.w, p2.z, p3.y, p1.y, p2.x, p2.w, p3.z, p1.z, p2.y, p3.x, p3.w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); } float4x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4_from_float3x4_o2w(uint metadata) { // uint metadata = kPerInstanceDataBit | 0; return LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4_from_float3x4_overridden(metadata); } float4x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4_from_float3x4_w2o(uint metadata) { // uint metadata = kPerInstanceDataBit | 48; return LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4_from_float3x4_overridden(metadata); } float2x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float2x4(uint metadata) { uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddress(metadata, 4 * 8); return float2x4( asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 0 * 8)), asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 1 * 8))); } float4x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4(float4x4 default_value, uint metadata) { return IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata) ? LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4(metadata) : default_value; } float4x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4_from_float3x4(float4x4 default_value, uint metadata) { return IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata) ? LoadDOTSInstancedData_float4x4_from_float3x4(metadata) : default_value; } float2x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float2x4(float4 default_value[2], uint metadata) { return IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata) ? LoadDOTSInstancedData_float2x4(metadata) : float2x4(default_value[0], default_value[1]); } float2x4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_float2x4(float2x4 default_value, uint metadata) { return IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata) ? LoadDOTSInstancedData_float2x4(metadata) : default_value; } float4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_RenderingLayer() { return float4(asfloat(unity_DOTSVisibleInstances[0].VisibleData.z), 0,0,0); } float4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_MotionVectorsParams() { uint flags = unity_DOTSVisibleInstances[0].VisibleData.w; return float4(0, flags & kDOTSInstancingFlagForceZeroMotion ? 0.0f : 1.0f, -0.001f, flags & kDOTSInstancingFlagCameraMotion ? 0.0f : 1.0f); } float4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_WorldTransformParams() { uint flags = unity_DOTSVisibleInstances[0].VisibleData.w; return float4(0, 0, 0, flags & kDOTSInstancingFlagFlipWinding ? -1.0f : 1.0f); } float4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_LightData() { uint flags = unity_DOTSVisibleInstances[0].VisibleData.w; // X channel = light start index (not supported in DOTS instancing) // Y channel = light count (not supported in DOTS instancing) // Z channel = main light strength return float4(0, 0, flags & kDOTSInstancingFlagMainLightEnabled ? 1.0f : 0.0f, 0); } float4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_LODFade() { int crossfadeSNorm8 = GetDOTSInstanceCrossfadeSnorm8(); float crossfade = clamp((float)crossfadeSNorm8, -127, 127); crossfade *= 1.0 / 127; return crossfade; } void SetupDOTSSHCoeffs(uint shMetadata) { if (IsDOTSInstancedProperty(shMetadata)) { uint address = ComputeDOTSInstanceDataAddressOverridden(shMetadata, 8 * 16); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAr = real4(asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 0 * 16))); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAg = real4(asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 1 * 16))); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAb = real4(asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 2 * 16))); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBr = real4(asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 3 * 16))); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBg = real4(asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 4 * 16))); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBb = real4(asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 5 * 16))); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHC = real4(asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 6 * 16))); unity_DOTS_Sampled_ProbesOcclusion = real4(asfloat(DOTSInstanceData_Load4(address + 7 * 16))); } else { unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAr = real4(unity_DOTS_SHAr); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAg = real4(unity_DOTS_SHAg); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAb = real4(unity_DOTS_SHAb); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBr = real4(unity_DOTS_SHBr); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBg = real4(unity_DOTS_SHBg); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBb = real4(unity_DOTS_SHBb); unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHC = real4(unity_DOTS_SHC); unity_DOTS_Sampled_ProbesOcclusion = real4(unity_DOTS_ProbesOcclusion); } } real4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_SHAr() { return unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAr; } real4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_SHAg() { return unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAg; } real4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_SHAb() { return unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHAb; } real4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_SHBr() { return unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBr; } real4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_SHBg() { return unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBg; } real4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_SHBb() { return unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHBb; } real4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_SHC() { return unity_DOTS_Sampled_SHC; } real4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_ProbesOcclusion() { return unity_DOTS_Sampled_ProbesOcclusion; } float4 LoadDOTSInstancedData_SelectionValue(uint metadata, uint submeshIndex, float4 globalSelectionID) { // If there is a DOTS instanced per-instance ID, get that. if (IsDOTSInstancedProperty(metadata)) { // Add 1 to the EntityID, so the EntityID 0 gets a value that is not equal to the clear value. uint selectionID = LoadDOTSInstancedData_uint2(metadata).x; uint idValue = selectionID + 1; // 26 bits for the entity index. // 5 bits for the submesh index. // 1 bit which must be set when outputting an EntityID/SubmeshIndex bitpack to let Unity know that it is not a regular selection ID. // When the high-bit is set, Unity will internally interpret the data as a 26-5-1 encoded bitmask and extract the EntityIndex/SubmeshIndex accordingly. // Encode entity index with 26 bits. idValue & ((1 << 26) - 1) == idValue % (1 << 26) uint idValueBits = idValue & ((1 << 26) - 1); // Encode submesh index with 5 bits. submeshIndex & ((1 << 5) - 1) == submeshIndex % (1 << 5) uint submeshBits = submeshIndex & ((1 << 5) - 1); // Shift to high-bits. The 26 first bits are used by the entity index. submeshBits <<= 26; uint pickingID = (1 << 31) | submeshBits | idValueBits; // Pack a 32-bit integer into four 8-bit color channels such that the integer can be exactly reconstructed afterwards. return float4(uint4(pickingID >> 0, pickingID >> 8, pickingID >> 16, pickingID >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; } else { return globalSelectionID; } } #define UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_INSTANCED_SELECTION_VALUE(name, submesh, selectionID) \ LoadDOTSInstancedData_SelectionValue(UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_METADATA_NAME(uint2, name), submesh, selectionID) #undef DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_SCALAR #undef DEFINE_DOTS_LOAD_INSTANCE_VECTOR #endif // UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_ENABLED #endif // UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCING_INCLUDED