using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderGraphModule { [DebuggerDisplay("RenderPass: {name} (Index:{index} Async:{enableAsyncCompute})")] abstract class RenderGraphPass { public RenderFunc GetExecuteDelegate() where PassData : class, new() => ((RenderGraphPass)this).renderFunc; public abstract void Execute(RenderGraphContext renderGraphContext); public abstract void Release(RenderGraphObjectPool pool); public abstract bool HasRenderFunc(); public string name { get; protected set; } public int index { get; protected set; } public ProfilingSampler customSampler { get; protected set; } public bool enableAsyncCompute { get; protected set; } public bool allowPassCulling { get; protected set; } public TextureHandle depthBuffer { get; protected set; } public TextureHandle[] colorBuffers { get; protected set; } = new TextureHandle[RenderGraph.kMaxMRTCount]; public int colorBufferMaxIndex { get; protected set; } = -1; public int refCount { get; protected set; } public bool generateDebugData { get; protected set; } public bool allowRendererListCulling { get; protected set; } public List[] resourceReadLists = new List[(int)RenderGraphResourceType.Count]; public List[] resourceWriteLists = new List[(int)RenderGraphResourceType.Count]; public List[] transientResourceList = new List[(int)RenderGraphResourceType.Count]; public List usedRendererListList = new List(); public RenderGraphPass() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)RenderGraphResourceType.Count; ++i) { resourceReadLists[i] = new List(); resourceWriteLists[i] = new List(); transientResourceList[i] = new List(); } } public void Clear() { name = ""; index = -1; customSampler = null; for (int i = 0; i < (int)RenderGraphResourceType.Count; ++i) { resourceReadLists[i].Clear(); resourceWriteLists[i].Clear(); transientResourceList[i].Clear(); } usedRendererListList.Clear(); enableAsyncCompute = false; allowPassCulling = true; allowRendererListCulling = true; generateDebugData = true; refCount = 0; // Invalidate everything colorBufferMaxIndex = -1; depthBuffer = TextureHandle.nullHandle; for (int i = 0; i < RenderGraph.kMaxMRTCount; ++i) { colorBuffers[i] = TextureHandle.nullHandle; } } public void AddResourceWrite(in ResourceHandle res) { resourceWriteLists[res.iType].Add(res); } public void AddResourceRead(in ResourceHandle res) { resourceReadLists[res.iType].Add(res); } public void AddTransientResource(in ResourceHandle res) { transientResourceList[res.iType].Add(res); } public void UseRendererList(RendererListHandle rendererList) { usedRendererListList.Add(rendererList); } public void EnableAsyncCompute(bool value) { enableAsyncCompute = value; } public void AllowPassCulling(bool value) { allowPassCulling = value; } public void AllowRendererListCulling(bool value) { allowRendererListCulling = value; } public void GenerateDebugData(bool value) { generateDebugData = value; } public void SetColorBuffer(TextureHandle resource, int index) { Debug.Assert(index < RenderGraph.kMaxMRTCount && index >= 0); colorBufferMaxIndex = Math.Max(colorBufferMaxIndex, index); colorBuffers[index] = resource; AddResourceWrite(resource.handle); } public void SetDepthBuffer(TextureHandle resource, DepthAccess flags) { depthBuffer = resource; if ((flags & DepthAccess.Read) != 0) AddResourceRead(resource.handle); if ((flags & DepthAccess.Write) != 0) AddResourceWrite(resource.handle); } } [DebuggerDisplay("RenderPass: {name} (Index:{index} Async:{enableAsyncCompute})")] internal sealed class RenderGraphPass : RenderGraphPass where PassData : class, new() { internal PassData data; internal RenderFunc renderFunc; public override void Execute(RenderGraphContext renderGraphContext) { GetExecuteDelegate()(data, renderGraphContext); } public void Initialize(int passIndex, PassData passData, string passName, ProfilingSampler sampler) { Clear(); index = passIndex; data = passData; name = passName; customSampler = sampler; } public override void Release(RenderGraphObjectPool pool) { Clear(); pool.Release(data); data = null; renderFunc = null; // We need to do the release from here because we need the final type. pool.Release(this); } public override bool HasRenderFunc() { return renderFunc != null; } } }