897 lines
36 KiB
897 lines
36 KiB
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
namespace UnityEditor.Performance.ProfileAnalyzer
internal class TopMarkers
internal class RangeSettings
public readonly ProfileDataView dataView;
public readonly int depthFilter;
public readonly List<string> nameFilters;
public readonly List<string> nameExcludes;
public readonly TimingOptions.TimingOption timingOption;
public readonly int threadSelectionCount;
public readonly bool hideRemovedMarkers;
public RangeSettings(ProfileDataView dataView, int depthFilter, List<string> nameFilters, List<string> nameExcludes, TimingOptions.TimingOption timingOption, int threadSelectionCount, bool hideRemovedMarkers)
// Make a copy rather than keeping a reference
this.dataView = dataView==null ? new ProfileDataView() : new ProfileDataView(dataView);
this.depthFilter = depthFilter;
this.nameFilters = nameFilters;
this.nameExcludes = nameExcludes;
this.timingOption = timingOption;
this.threadSelectionCount = threadSelectionCount;
this.hideRemovedMarkers = hideRemovedMarkers;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 13;
hash = (hash * 7) + dataView.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + depthFilter.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + nameFilters.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + nameExcludes.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + timingOption.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + threadSelectionCount.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + hideRemovedMarkers.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object b)
if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(null, b))
return false;
if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(this, b))
return true;
if (b.GetType() != this.GetType())
return false;
return IsEqual((RangeSettings)b);
bool IsEqual(RangeSettings b)
if (timingOption != b.timingOption)
return false;
if (b.dataView == null && dataView != null)
return false;
// Check contents of data view (the reference will definitly not match as we made a copy)
if (b.dataView != null)
// Only need to check data, analysis and selectedIndices
if (dataView.data != b.dataView.data)
return false;
if (dataView.analysis != b.dataView.analysis)
return false;
if (dataView.selectedIndices.Count != b.dataView.selectedIndices.Count)
return false;
// Want to check if contents match, not just if reference is the same
for (int i = 0; i < dataView.selectedIndices.Count; i++)
if (dataView.selectedIndices[i] != b.dataView.selectedIndices[i])
return false;
if (depthFilter != b.depthFilter)
return false;
if (threadSelectionCount != b.threadSelectionCount)
return false;
if (hideRemovedMarkers != b.hideRemovedMarkers)
return false;
if (nameFilters.Count != b.nameFilters.Count)
return false;
if (nameExcludes.Count != b.nameExcludes.Count)
return false;
// Want to check if contents match, not just if reference is the same
for (int i = 0; i < nameFilters.Count; i++)
if (nameFilters[i] != b.nameFilters[i])
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < nameExcludes.Count; i++)
if (nameExcludes[i] != b.nameExcludes[i])
return false;
return true;
public static bool operator==(RangeSettings a, RangeSettings b)
// If both are null, or both are same instance, return true.
if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b))
return true;
// If one is null, but not both, return false.
if (((object)a == null) || ((object)b == null))
return false;
return a.IsEqual(b);
public static bool operator!=(RangeSettings a, RangeSettings b)
return !(a == b);
internal class Settings
public readonly int barCount;
public readonly float timeRange;
public readonly bool includeOthers;
public readonly bool includeUnaccounted;
public RangeSettings rangeSettings { get ; private set ; }
public Settings(RangeSettings rangeSettings, int barCount, float timeRange, bool includeOthers, bool includeUnaccounted)
this.rangeSettings = rangeSettings;
this.barCount = barCount;
this.timeRange = timeRange;
this.includeOthers = includeOthers;
this.includeUnaccounted = includeUnaccounted;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 13;
hash = (hash * 7) + rangeSettings.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + barCount.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + timeRange.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + includeOthers.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + includeUnaccounted.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object b)
if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(null, b))
return false;
if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(this, b))
return true;
if (b.GetType() != this.GetType())
return false;
return IsEqual((Settings)b);
bool IsEqual(Settings b)
if (rangeSettings != b.rangeSettings)
return false;
if (barCount != b.barCount)
return false;
if (timeRange != b.timeRange)
return false;
if (includeOthers != b.includeOthers)
return false;
if (includeUnaccounted != b.includeUnaccounted)
return false;
return true;
public static bool operator==(Settings a, Settings b)
// If both are null, or both are same instance, return true.
if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b))
return true;
// If one is null, but not both, return false.
if (((object)a == null) || ((object)b == null))
return false;
return a.IsEqual(b);
public static bool operator!=(Settings a, Settings b)
return !(a == b);
internal enum SummaryType
internal struct MarkerSummaryEntry
public readonly string name;
public readonly float msAtMedian; // At the median frame (Miliseconds)
public readonly float msMedian; // median value for marker over all frames (Miliseconds) on frame medianFrameIndex
public readonly float x;
public readonly float w;
public readonly int medianFrameIndex;
public readonly SummaryType summaryType;
public MarkerSummaryEntry(string name, float msAtMedian, float msMedian, float x, float w, int medianFrameIndex, SummaryType summaryType)
this.name = name;
this.msAtMedian = msAtMedian;
this.msMedian = msMedian;
this.x = x;
this.w = w;
this.medianFrameIndex = medianFrameIndex;
this.summaryType = summaryType;
internal class MarkerSummary
public List<MarkerSummaryEntry> entry;
public float totalTime;
public MarkerSummary()
entry = new List<MarkerSummaryEntry>();
totalTime = 0f;
Settings m_CurrentSettings; // Current settings, including latest RangeSettings
RangeSettings m_RequestedRangeSettings; // Next requested range setting set by SetData
float m_TimeRange;
bool m_TimeRangeDirty; // Set when renquested range settings change
MarkerSummary m_MarkerSummary;
internal static class Styles
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemSelectFramesInAll = new GUIContent("Select Frames that contain this marker (within whole data set)", "");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemSelectFramesInCurrent = new GUIContent("Select Frames that contain this marker (within current selection)", "");
//public static readonly GUIContent menuItemClearSelection = new GUIContent("Clear Selection");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemSelectFramesAll = new GUIContent("Select All");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemAddToIncludeFilter = new GUIContent("Add to Include Filter", "");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemAddToExcludeFilter = new GUIContent("Add to Exclude Filter", "");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemRemoveFromIncludeFilter = new GUIContent("Remove from Include Filter", "");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemRemoveFromExcludeFilter = new GUIContent("Remove from Exclude Filter", "");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemSetAsParentMarkerFilter = new GUIContent("Set as Parent Marker Filter", "");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemClearParentMarkerFilter = new GUIContent("Clear Parent Marker Filter", "");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemSetAsRemoveMarker = new GUIContent("Remove Marker", "");
public static readonly GUIContent menuItemCopyToClipboard = new GUIContent("Copy to Clipboard", "");
private static class Content
public static readonly string frameTime = L10n.Tr("{0} Frame time on median frame");
public static readonly string multipleThreads = L10n.Tr("Multiple threads selected\nSelect a single thread for an overview");
public static readonly string totalTimeAllDepths = L10n.Tr("{0} Total time of all markers at all depths");
public static readonly string totalTimeAtSpecificDepth = L10n.Tr("{0} Total time of all markers at Depth {1}");
public static readonly string selectSelf = L10n.Tr("For an overview select Analysis Type Self");
public static readonly string selectTotal = L10n.Tr("To include child times select Analysis Type Total");
public static readonly string selfTimeAllDepths = L10n.Tr("{0} Self time of markers at all depths");
public static readonly string selfTimeAtSpecificDepth = L10n.Tr("{0} Self time of markers at Depth {1}");
public static readonly string tooltip = L10n.Tr("{0}\n{1:f2}% ({2} on median frame {3})\n\nMedian marker time (in currently selected frames)\n{4} on frame {5}");
ProfileAnalyzerWindow m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow;
Draw2D m_2D;
Color m_BackgroundColor;
Color m_TextColor;
public TopMarkers(ProfileAnalyzerWindow profileAnalyzerWindow, Draw2D draw2D, Color backgroundColor, Color textColor)
m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow = profileAnalyzerWindow;
m_2D = draw2D;
m_BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
m_TextColor = textColor;
m_CurrentSettings = new Settings(new RangeSettings(null, 0, null, null, TimingOptions.TimingOption.Time, 0, false), 0, 0, false, false);
m_TimeRangeDirty = true;
string ToDisplayUnits(float ms, bool showUnits = false, int limitToDigits = 5)
return m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.ToDisplayUnits(ms, showUnits, limitToDigits);
public void SetData(ProfileDataView dataView, int depthFilter, List<string> nameFilters, List<string> nameExcludes, TimingOptions.TimingOption timingOption, int threadSelectionCount, bool hideRemovedMarkers)
m_RequestedRangeSettings = new RangeSettings(dataView, depthFilter, nameFilters, nameExcludes, timingOption, threadSelectionCount, hideRemovedMarkers);
if (m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings != m_RequestedRangeSettings)
m_TimeRangeDirty = true;
float CalculateTopMarkerTimeRange(RangeSettings rangeSettings)
if (rangeSettings == null)
return 0.0f;
if (rangeSettings.dataView == null)
return 0.0f;
ProfileAnalysis analysis = rangeSettings.dataView.analysis;
if (analysis == null)
return 0.0f;
var frameSummary = analysis.GetFrameSummary();
if (frameSummary == null)
return 0.0f;
int depthFilter = rangeSettings.depthFilter;
List<string> nameFilters = rangeSettings.nameFilters;
List<string> nameExcludes = rangeSettings.nameExcludes;
bool hideRemovedMarkers = rangeSettings.hideRemovedMarkers;
var markers = analysis.GetMarkers();
float range = 0;
foreach (var marker in markers)
if (depthFilter != ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll && marker.minDepth != depthFilter)
if (nameFilters.Count > 0)
if (!m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.NameInIncludeList(marker.name, nameFilters))
if (nameExcludes.Count > 0)
if (m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.NameInExcludeList(marker.name, nameExcludes))
if (hideRemovedMarkers && marker.IsFullyIgnored())
range += marker.msAtMedian;
// Minimum is the frame time range
// As we can have unaccounted markers
if (range < frameSummary.msMedian)
range = frameSummary.msMedian;
return range;
public float GetTopMarkerTimeRange()
if (m_TimeRangeDirty)
// Use latest requested rather than current (as current may not yet be updated)
m_TimeRange = CalculateTopMarkerTimeRange(m_RequestedRangeSettings);
m_TimeRangeDirty = false;
return m_TimeRange;
public MarkerSummary CalculateTopMarkers()
if (m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView == null)
return null;
ProfileAnalysis analysis = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView.analysis;
if (analysis == null)
return null;
FrameSummary frameSummary = analysis.GetFrameSummary();
if (frameSummary == null)
return new MarkerSummary();
var markers = analysis.GetMarkers();
if (markers == null)
return new MarkerSummary();
float timeRange = m_CurrentSettings.timeRange;
int depthFilter = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.depthFilter;
List<string> nameFilters = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.nameFilters;
List<string> nameExcludes = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.nameExcludes;
bool hideRemovedMarkers = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.hideRemovedMarkers;
// Show marker graph
float x = 0;
float width = 1.0f;
int max = m_CurrentSettings.barCount;
int at = 0;
float other = 0.0f;
if (timeRange <= 0.0f)
timeRange = frameSummary.msMedian;
float msToWidth = width / timeRange;
float totalMarkerTime = 0;
MarkerSummary markerSummary = new MarkerSummary();
foreach (var marker in markers)
float msAtMedian = MarkerData.GetMsAtMedian(marker);
// We do this at the top so that totalMarkerTime is not increased
// This excludes the hidden markers time
if (hideRemovedMarkers && marker.IsFullyIgnored())
if (depthFilter != ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll && marker.minDepth != depthFilter)
if (nameFilters.Count > 0)
if (!m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.NameInIncludeList(marker.name, nameFilters))
if (nameExcludes.Count > 0)
if (m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.NameInExcludeList(marker.name, nameExcludes))
totalMarkerTime += msAtMedian;
if (at < max)
float w = CaculateWidth(x, msAtMedian, msToWidth, width);
float msMedian = MarkerData.GetMsMedian(marker);
int medianFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(marker.medianFrameIndex, m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView);
markerSummary.entry.Add(new MarkerSummaryEntry(marker.name, msAtMedian, msMedian, x, w, medianFrameIndex, SummaryType.Marker));
x += w;
other += msAtMedian;
if (!m_CurrentSettings.includeOthers)
if (m_CurrentSettings.includeOthers && other > 0.0f)
float w = CaculateWidth(x, other, msToWidth, width);
markerSummary.entry.Add(new MarkerSummaryEntry("Other", other, 0f, x, w, -1, SummaryType.Other));
x += w;
if (m_CurrentSettings.includeUnaccounted && totalMarkerTime < frameSummary.msMedian)
float unaccounted = frameSummary.msMedian - totalMarkerTime;
float w = CaculateWidth(x, unaccounted, msToWidth, width);
markerSummary.entry.Add(new MarkerSummaryEntry("Unaccounted", unaccounted, 0f, x, w, -1, SummaryType.Unaccounted));
x += w;
markerSummary.totalTime = totalMarkerTime;
return markerSummary;
GenericMenu GenerateActiveContextMenu(string markerName, Event evt)
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemSelectFramesInAll, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.SelectFramesContainingMarker(markerName, false));
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemSelectFramesInCurrent, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.SelectFramesContainingMarker(markerName, true));
if (m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.AllSelected())
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemSelectFramesAll, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.SelectAllFrames());
if (!m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.nameFilters.Contains(markerName))
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemAddToIncludeFilter, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.AddToIncludeFilter(markerName));
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemRemoveFromIncludeFilter, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.RemoveFromIncludeFilter(markerName));
if (!m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.nameExcludes.Contains(markerName))
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemAddToExcludeFilter, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.AddToExcludeFilter(markerName));
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemRemoveFromExcludeFilter, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.RemoveFromExcludeFilter(markerName));
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemSetAsParentMarkerFilter, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.SetAsParentMarkerFilter(markerName));
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemClearParentMarkerFilter, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.SetAsParentMarkerFilter(""));
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemSetAsRemoveMarker, false, () => m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.SetAsRemoveMarker(markerName));
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemCopyToClipboard, false, () => CopyToClipboard(evt, markerName));
return menu;
GenericMenu GenerateDisabledContextMenu(string markerName)
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
if (!m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.nameFilters.Contains(markerName))
if (!m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.nameExcludes.Contains(markerName))
return menu;
public GUIContent ConstructTimeRangeText()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
ProfileAnalysis analysis = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView.analysis;
int depthFilter = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.depthFilter;
FrameSummary frameSummary = analysis.GetFrameSummary();
string frameTimeString = ToDisplayUnits(frameSummary.msMedian, true, 0);
string accountedTimeString = ToDisplayUnits(m_MarkerSummary.totalTime, true, 0);
sb.AppendFormat(Content.frameTime, frameTimeString);
// Note m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView.analysis.GetThreads contains all thread names, not just the filtered threads
bool singleThread = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.threadSelectionCount == 1;
if (depthFilter == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll)
if (m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.timingOption == TimingOptions.TimingOption.Time)
sb.AppendFormat(Content.totalTimeAllDepths, accountedTimeString);
if (singleThread)
if (m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.timingOption == TimingOptions.TimingOption.Self)
sb.AppendFormat(Content.selfTimeAtSpecificDepth,accountedTimeString, depthFilter);
if (singleThread)
sb.AppendFormat(Content.totalTimeAtSpecificDepth, accountedTimeString, depthFilter);
if (!singleThread)
string timeRangeString = ToDisplayUnits(m_CurrentSettings.timeRange, true);
return new GUIContent(timeRangeString, sb.ToString());
public void Draw(Rect rect, Color barColor, int barCount, float timeRange, Color selectedBackground, Color selectedBorder, Color selectedText, bool includeOthers, bool includeUnaccounted)
Settings newSettings = new Settings(m_RequestedRangeSettings, barCount, timeRange, includeOthers, includeUnaccounted);
if (m_CurrentSettings != newSettings)
m_CurrentSettings = newSettings;
m_MarkerSummary = CalculateTopMarkers();
if (m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings == null)
if (m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView == null)
if (m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView.analysis == null)
if (m_MarkerSummary == null || m_MarkerSummary.entry == null)
ProfileAnalysis analysis = m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView.analysis;
FrameSummary frameSummary = analysis.GetFrameSummary();
if (frameSummary == null)
if (frameSummary.count <= 0)
var markers = analysis.GetMarkers();
if (markers == null)
int rangeLabelWidth = 60;
// After the marker graph we want an indication of the time range
if (frameSummary.count > 0)
Rect rangeLabelRect = new Rect(rect.x + rect.width - rangeLabelWidth, rect.y, rangeLabelWidth, rect.height);
GUIContent timeRangeText = ConstructTimeRangeText();
GUI.Label(rangeLabelRect, timeRangeText);
// Reduce the size of the marker graph for the button/label we just added
rect.width -= rangeLabelWidth;
// Show marker graph
float y = 0;
float width = rect.width;
float height = rect.height;
string selectedPairingMarkerName = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetSelectedMarkerName();
if (timeRange <= 0.0f)
timeRange = frameSummary.msMedian;
if (m_2D.DrawStart(rect, Draw2D.Origin.BottomLeft))
m_2D.DrawFilledBox(0, y, width, height, m_BackgroundColor);
foreach (MarkerSummaryEntry entry in m_MarkerSummary.entry)
String name = entry.name;
float x = entry.x * width;
float w = entry.w * width;
if (entry.summaryType == SummaryType.Marker)
if (name == selectedPairingMarkerName)
DrawBar(x, y, w, height, selectedBackground, selectedBorder, true);
DrawBar(x, y, w, height, barColor, selectedBorder, false);
// Others / Unaccounted
Color color = entry.summaryType == SummaryType.Unaccounted ? new Color(barColor.r * 0.5f, barColor.g * 0.5f, barColor.b * 0.5f, barColor.a) : barColor;
DrawBar(x, y, w, height, color, selectedBorder, false);
GUIStyle centreAlignStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
centreAlignStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
centreAlignStyle.normal.textColor = m_TextColor;
GUIStyle leftAlignStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
leftAlignStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
leftAlignStyle.normal.textColor = m_TextColor;
Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor;
int frameSummaryMedianFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(frameSummary.medianFrameIndex, m_CurrentSettings.rangeSettings.dataView);
foreach (MarkerSummaryEntry entry in m_MarkerSummary.entry)
if (entry.summaryType == SummaryType.Marker)
DrawEntryBarText(rect, width, timeRange, entry, leftAlignStyle, frameSummaryMedianFrameIndex, selectedText, centreAlignStyle, selectedPairingMarkerName);
// Note this only displays the tooltip and not the text itself as we assume unaccounted is small
DrawSimpleEntryBarText(rect, width, timeRange, entry, leftAlignStyle, frameSummaryMedianFrameIndex);
static float CaculateWidth(float x, float msTime, float msToWidth, float width)
float w = msTime * msToWidth;
if (x + w > width)
w = width - x;
return w;
float DrawBar(float x, float y, float w, float height, Color barColor, Color selectedBorder, bool withBorder)
if (withBorder)
m_2D.DrawFilledBox(x + 1, y + 1, w, height - 2, selectedBorder);
m_2D.DrawFilledBox(x + 2, y + 2, w - 2, height - 4, barColor);
return w;
void DrawEntryBarText(Rect rect, float totalWidth, float timeRange, MarkerSummaryEntry entry, GUIStyle leftAlignStyle, int frameSummaryMedianFrameIndex, Color selectedText, GUIStyle centreAlignStyle, string selectedPairingMarkerName)
float x = entry.x * totalWidth;
float w = entry.w * totalWidth;
String name = entry.name;
float msAtMedian = entry.msAtMedian;
Rect labelRect = new Rect(rect.x + x, rect.y, w, rect.height);
GUIStyle style = centreAlignStyle;
String displayName = "";
if (w >= 20)
displayName = name;
Vector2 size = centreAlignStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(name));
if (size.x > w)
var words = name.Split('.');
displayName = words[words.Length - 1];
style = leftAlignStyle;
float percentAtMedian = msAtMedian * 100 / timeRange;
string tooltip = string.Format(
percentAtMedian, ToDisplayUnits(msAtMedian, true, 0), frameSummaryMedianFrameIndex,
ToDisplayUnits(entry.msMedian, true, 0), entry.medianFrameIndex);
if (name == selectedPairingMarkerName)
style.normal.textColor = selectedText;
style.normal.textColor = m_TextColor;
GUI.Label(labelRect, new GUIContent(displayName, tooltip), style);
Event current = Event.current;
if (labelRect.Contains(current.mousePosition))
if (current.type == EventType.ContextClick)
GenericMenu menu;
if (!m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.IsAnalysisRunning())
menu = GenerateActiveContextMenu(name, current);
menu = GenerateDisabledContextMenu(name);
if (current.type == EventType.MouseDown)
void DrawSimpleEntryBarText(Rect rect, float totalWidth, float timeRange, MarkerSummaryEntry entry, GUIStyle leftAlignStyle, int frameSummaryMedianFrameIndex)
float x = entry.x * totalWidth;
float w = entry.w * totalWidth;
String name = entry.name;
float msAtMedian = entry.msAtMedian;
float width = rect.width;
Rect labelRect = new Rect(rect.x + x, rect.y, w, rect.height);
float percent = msAtMedian / timeRange * 100;
GUIStyle style = leftAlignStyle;
string tooltip = string.Format("{0}\n{1:f2}% ({2} on median frame {3})",
ToDisplayUnits(msAtMedian, true, 0),
GUI.Label(labelRect, new GUIContent("", tooltip), style);
Event current = Event.current;
if (labelRect.Contains(current.mousePosition))
if (current.type == EventType.ContextClick)
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
if (!m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.IsAnalysisRunning())
menu.AddItem(Styles.menuItemSelectFramesAll, false, m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.SelectAllFrames);
if (current.type == EventType.MouseDown)
void CopyToClipboard(Event current, string text)
EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = text;