301 lines
16 KiB
301 lines
16 KiB
// NOTE: For URP - set ENABLE_SHADER_DEBUG_PRINT in the project to enable CPU-side integration.
// NOTE: Currently works in game view/play mode.
// Include this header to any shader to enable debug printing values from shader code to console.
// Select threads/pixels to print using plain 'if'.
// Example:
// float4 colorRGBA = float4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
// if(all(int2(pixel.xy) == int2(100, 100)))
// ShaderDebugPrint(ShaderDebugTag('C','o','l'), colorRGBA);
// ----
// Output:
// Frame #270497: Col float4(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f)
// ----
// Example:
// #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/ShaderDebugPrint.hlsl"
// Print pixel at mouse position.
// ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2(thisPixel.xy), pixelColor);
// Print pixel at mouse position on button press.
// ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2(thisPixel.xy), pixelColor);
// Output buffer bound into "last" (DX11) slot by convention.
// Avoids extra editing elsewhere and allows to just include this header.
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> shaderDebugOutputData : register(u7);
static const uint MaxShaderDebugOutputElements = 1024 * 16; // Must match the C# side buffer size (16K elems / 6 (header+tag+payload) ~= 2730 uint4s)
// Input Constants
float4 _ShaderDebugPrintInputMouse;
int _ShaderDebugPrintInputFrame;
// Mouse coordinates in pixels
// Relative to game view surface/rendertarget
// (Typically (0,0) is bottom-left in Unity. TIP: print mouse coords to check if unsure.)
int2 ShaderDebugMouseCoords() { return _ShaderDebugPrintInputMouse.xy; }
// Mouse buttons
// Returns true on button down.
int ShaderDebugMouseButtonLeft() { return _ShaderDebugPrintInputMouse.z; }
int ShaderDebugMouseButtonRight() { return _ShaderDebugPrintInputMouse.w; }
int ShaderDebugMouseButton(int button) { return button == 0 ? ShaderDebugMouseButtonLeft() : ShaderDebugMouseButtonRight(); }
int ShaderDebugFrameNumber() { return _ShaderDebugPrintInputFrame; }
// Output Data type encodings
// Must match C# side decoding
static const uint ValueTypeUint = 1;
static const uint ValueTypeInt = 2;
static const uint ValueTypeFloat = 3;
static const uint ValueTypeUint2 = 4;
static const uint ValueTypeInt2 = 5;
static const uint ValueTypeFloat2 = 6;
static const uint ValueTypeUint3 = 7;
static const uint ValueTypeInt3 = 8;
static const uint ValueTypeFloat3 = 9;
static const uint ValueTypeUint4 = 10;
static const uint ValueTypeInt4 = 11;
static const uint ValueTypeFloat4 = 12;
static const uint ValueTypeBool = 13;
static const uint ValueTypeHasTag = 128;
// Data-buffer format
// 1 uint header
// 1 uint tag (optional)
// 1-4 uint value (type dependent)
// Header format
// 1 byte Type id + tag flag
// bits 0..6 value type id/enum
// bit 7 has tag flag
// 3 bytes (empty)
{ \
if (shaderDebugOutputData[0] < MaxShaderDebugOutputElements) \
{ \
uint index; \
uint elements = 2; \
if (HASTAG) elements++; \
InterlockedAdd(shaderDebugOutputData[0], elements, index); \
index++; \
if (index < MaxShaderDebugOutputElements) \
{ \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = TYPE | HASTAG; \
if (HASTAG) shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = TAG; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE; \
} \
} \
{ \
if (shaderDebugOutputData[0] < MaxShaderDebugOutputElements) \
{ \
uint index; \
uint elements = 3; \
if (HASTAG) elements++; \
InterlockedAdd(shaderDebugOutputData[0], elements, index); \
index++; \
if (index < MaxShaderDebugOutputElements) \
{ \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = TYPE | HASTAG; \
if (HASTAG) shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = TAG; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.x; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.y; \
} \
} \
{ \
if (shaderDebugOutputData[0] < MaxShaderDebugOutputElements) \
{ \
uint index; \
uint elements = 4; \
if (HASTAG) elements++; \
InterlockedAdd(shaderDebugOutputData[0], elements, index); \
index++; \
if (index < MaxShaderDebugOutputElements) \
{ \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = TYPE | HASTAG; \
if (HASTAG) shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = TAG; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.x; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.y; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.z; \
} \
} \
{ \
if (shaderDebugOutputData[0] < MaxShaderDebugOutputElements) \
{ \
uint index; \
uint elements = 5; \
if (HASTAG) elements++; \
InterlockedAdd(shaderDebugOutputData[0], elements, index); \
index++; \
if (index < MaxShaderDebugOutputElements) \
{ \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = TYPE | HASTAG; \
if (HASTAG) shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = TAG; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.x; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.y; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.z; \
shaderDebugOutputData[index++] = VALUE.w; \
} \
} \
static const uint ShaderDebugNoTag;
// Create 1-4 letter tags encoded into a uint
// For example
// ShaderDebugTag( 'M', 'y', 'I', 'd' );
uint ShaderDebugTag(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d) { return a | (b << 8) | (c << 16) | (d << 24); }
uint ShaderDebugTag(uint a, uint b, uint c) { return ShaderDebugTag( a, b, c, 0); }
uint ShaderDebugTag(uint a, uint b) { return ShaderDebugTag( a, b, 0); }
uint ShaderDebugTag(uint a) { return ShaderDebugTag( a, 0); }
// Print value to (Unity) console
// Be careful to not print all N threads (thousands). Use if statements and thread ids to pick values only from a few threads.
// (tag), an optional text tag for the print. Use ShaderDebugTag() helper to create.
// value, to be printed
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, bool value) PRINT1(ValueTypeBool, uint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, uint value) PRINT1(ValueTypeUint, value, ValueTypeHasTag, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, int value) PRINT1(ValueTypeInt, asuint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, float value) PRINT1(ValueTypeFloat, asuint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, uint2 value) PRINT2(ValueTypeUint2, value, ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, int2 value) PRINT2(ValueTypeInt2, asuint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, float2 value) PRINT2(ValueTypeFloat2, asuint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, uint3 value) PRINT3(ValueTypeUint3, value, ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, int3 value) PRINT3(ValueTypeInt3, asuint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, float3 value) PRINT3(ValueTypeFloat3, asuint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, uint4 value) PRINT4(ValueTypeUint4, value, ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, int4 value) PRINT4(ValueTypeInt4, asuint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint tag, float4 value) PRINT4(ValueTypeFloat4, asuint(value), ValueTypeHasTag, tag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(bool value) PRINT1(ValueTypeBool, uint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint value) PRINT1(ValueTypeUint, value, 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(int value) PRINT1(ValueTypeInt, asuint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(float value) PRINT1(ValueTypeFloat, asuint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint2 value) PRINT2(ValueTypeUint2, value, 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(int2 value) PRINT2(ValueTypeInt2, asuint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(float2 value) PRINT2(ValueTypeFloat2, asuint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint3 value) PRINT3(ValueTypeUint3, value, 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(int3 value) PRINT3(ValueTypeInt3, asuint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(float3 value) PRINT3(ValueTypeFloat3, asuint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(uint4 value) PRINT4(ValueTypeUint4, value, 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(int4 value) PRINT4(ValueTypeInt4, asuint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
void ShaderDebugPrint(float4 value) PRINT4(ValueTypeFloat4, asuint(value), 0, ShaderDebugNoTag)
#undef PRINT1
#undef PRINT2
#undef PRINT3
#undef PRINT4
{ \
if(all(pixelPos == ShaderDebugMouseCoords())) \
ShaderDebugPrint(VALUE); \
{ \
if(all(pixelPos == ShaderDebugMouseCoords())) \
ShaderDebugPrint(TAG, VALUE); \
// Print value for pixel under mouse cursor
// pixelPos, screen pixel coordinates for this fragment shader thread. Typically .xy of fragment shader input parameter with SV_Position semantic.
// NOTE: Any render target scaling (or offset) is NOT taken into account as that can be arbitrary. You must correct scaling manually.
// (For example: fragment.xy * _ScreenParams.xy / _ScaledScreenParams.xy or similar)
// TIP: Color the pixel (or a box) at mouse coords to debug scaling/offset.
// (tag), an optional text tag for the print. Use ShaderDebugTag() helper to create.
// value, to be printed
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, bool value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, uint value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, int value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, float value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, uint2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, int2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, float2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, uint3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, int3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, float3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, uint4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, int4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, float4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_WITH_TAG(value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, bool value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, int value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, float value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint2 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, int2 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, float2 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint3 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, int3 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, float3 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, uint4 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, int4 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseOver(int2 pixelPos, float4 value) PRINT_MOUSE(value);
{ \
if(ShaderDebugMouseButton(BUTTON) && all(pixelPos == ShaderDebugMouseCoords())) \
ShaderDebugPrint(VALUE); \
{ \
if(ShaderDebugMouseButton(BUTTON) && all(pixelPos == ShaderDebugMouseCoords())) \
ShaderDebugPrint(TAG, VALUE); \
// Print value for pixel under mouse cursor when mouse left button is pressed
// pixelPos, screen pixel coordinates for this fragment shader thread. Typically .xy of fragment shader input parameter with SV_Position semantic.
// (tag), an optional text tag for the print. Use ShaderDebugTag() helper to create.
// value, to be printed
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, bool value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, uint value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, int value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, float value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, uint2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, int2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, float2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, uint3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, int3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, float3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, uint4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, int4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint tag, float4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WITH_TAG(0, value, tag);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, bool value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, int value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, float value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, int2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, float2 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, int3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, float3 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, uint4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, int4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);
void ShaderDebugPrintMouseButtonOver(int2 pixelPos, float4 value) PRINT_MOUSE_BUTTON(0, value);