344 lines
12 KiB
344 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEditor.Performance.ProfileAnalyzer
internal class MarkerData : IComparable<MarkerData>
public string name;
public int nameLowerCaseHash; // lower case name hash for faster comparisons
public double msTotal; // total time of this marker on a frame
public int count; // total number of marker calls in the timeline (multiple per frame)
public int countMin; // min count per frame
public int countMax; // max count per frame
public float countMean; // mean over all frames
public int countMedian; // median over all frames
public int countLowerQuartile; // over all frames
public int countUpperQuartile; // over all frames
public float countStandardDeviation;
public int lastFrame;
public int presentOnFrameCount; // number of frames containing this marker
public int firstFrameIndex;
public float msMean; // mean over all frames
public float msMedian; // median over all frames
public float msLowerQuartile; // over all frames
public float msUpperQuartile; // over all frames
public float msMin; // min total time per frame
public float msMax; // max total time per frame
public float msStandardDeviation;
public int minIndividualFrameIndex;
public int maxIndividualFrameIndex;
public float msMinIndividual; // min individual function call
public float msMaxIndividual; // max individual function call
public float msAtMedian; // time at median frame
public int medianFrameIndex; // frame this markers median value is found on
public int minFrameIndex;
public int maxFrameIndex;
public int minDepth;
public int maxDepth;
public List<string> threads;
const int bucketCount = 20;
public int[] buckets; // Each bucket contains 'number of frames' for 'sum of markers in the frame' in that range
public int[] countBuckets; // Each bucket contains 'number of frames' for 'count in the frame' in that range
public List<FrameTime> frames;
public double timeRemoved;
public double timeIgnored;
public MarkerData(string markerName)
buckets = new int[bucketCount];
countBuckets = new int[bucketCount];
frames = new List<FrameTime>();
threads = new List<string>();
name = markerName;
nameLowerCaseHash = markerName.ToLower().GetHashCode();
msTotal = 0.0;
count = 0;
countMin = 0;
countMax = 0;
countMean = 0f;
countMedian = 0;
countLowerQuartile = 0;
countUpperQuartile = 0;
countStandardDeviation = 0f;
lastFrame = -1;
presentOnFrameCount = 0;
firstFrameIndex = -1;
msMean = 0f;
msMedian = 0f;
msLowerQuartile = 0f;
msUpperQuartile = 0f;
msMin = float.MaxValue;
msMax = float.MinValue;
msStandardDeviation = 0f;
minIndividualFrameIndex = 0;
maxIndividualFrameIndex = 0;
msMinIndividual = float.MaxValue;
msMaxIndividual = float.MinValue;
msAtMedian = 0f;
medianFrameIndex = 0;
minFrameIndex = 0;
maxFrameIndex = 0;
minDepth = 0;
maxDepth = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < buckets.Length; b++)
buckets[b] = 0;
countBuckets[b] = 0;
timeRemoved = 0.0;
timeIgnored = 0.0;
/// <summary>Compare the time duration between the marker median times. Used for sorting in descending order</summary>
/// <param name="other"> The other MarkerData to compare </param>
/// <returns>-1 if this is larger, 0 if the same, 1 if this is smaller</returns>
public int CompareTo(MarkerData other)
if (msMedian == other.msMedian)
if (medianFrameIndex == other.medianFrameIndex)
// Tertiary sort by name order
return name.CompareTo(other.name);
// Secondary sort by frame index order
return medianFrameIndex.CompareTo(other.medianFrameIndex);
return -msMedian.CompareTo(other.msMedian);
public float GetFrameMs(int frameIndex)
foreach (var frameData in frames)
if (frameData.frameIndex == frameIndex)
return frameData.ms;
return 0f;
public void ComputeBuckets(float min, float max)
float first = min;
float last = max;
float range = last - first;
int maxBucketIndex = (buckets.Length - 1);
for (int bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex < buckets.Length; bucketIndex++)
buckets[bucketIndex] = 0;
float scale = range > 0 ? buckets.Length / range : 0;
// using a for loop instead of foreach is surprisingly faster on Mono
for (int i = 0, n = frames.Count; i < n; i++)
var frameTime = frames[i];
var ms = frameTime.ms;
//int frameIndex = frameTime.frameIndex;
int bucketIndex = (int)((ms - first) * scale);
if (bucketIndex < 0 || bucketIndex > maxBucketIndex)
// This can happen if a single marker range is longer than the frame start end (which could occur if running on a separate thread)
// It can also occur for the highest entry in the range (max-min/range) = 1
// if (ms > max) // Check for the spilling case
// Debug.Log(string.Format("Marker {0} : {1}ms exceeds range {2}-{3} on frame {4}", marker.name, ms, first, last, 1+frameIndex));
if (bucketIndex > maxBucketIndex)
bucketIndex = maxBucketIndex;
bucketIndex = 0;
buckets[bucketIndex] += 1;
if (range == 0)
// All buckets will be the same
for (int bucketIndex = 1; bucketIndex < buckets.Length; bucketIndex++)
buckets[bucketIndex] = buckets[0];
public void ComputeCountBuckets(int min, int max)
float first = min;
float last = max;
float range = last - first;
int maxBucketIndex = (countBuckets.Length - 1);
for (int bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex < countBuckets.Length; bucketIndex++)
countBuckets[bucketIndex] = 0;
float scale = range > 0 ? countBuckets.Length / range : 0;
// using a for loop instead of foreach is surprisingly faster on Mono
for (int i = 0, n = frames.Count; i < n; i++)
var frameTime = frames[i];
var count = frameTime.count;
int bucketIndex = (int)((count - first) * scale);
if (bucketIndex < 0 || bucketIndex > maxBucketIndex)
if (bucketIndex > maxBucketIndex)
bucketIndex = maxBucketIndex;
bucketIndex = 0;
countBuckets[bucketIndex] += 1;
if (range == 0)
// All buckets will be the same
for (int bucketIndex = 1; bucketIndex < countBuckets.Length; bucketIndex++)
countBuckets[bucketIndex] = countBuckets[0];
public static string GetFirstThread(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.threads[0] : "";
public static float GetMsMax(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msMax : 0.0f;
public static int GetMaxFrameIndex(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.maxFrameIndex : 0;
public static float GetMsMin(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msMin : 0.0f;
public static int GetMinFrameIndex(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.minFrameIndex : 0;
public static float GetMsMedian(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msMedian : 0.0f;
public static int GetMedianFrameIndex(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.medianFrameIndex : 0;
public static float GetMsUpperQuartile(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msUpperQuartile : 0.0f;
public static float GetMsLowerQuartile(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msLowerQuartile : 0.0f;
public static float GetMsMean(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msMean : 0.0f;
public static float GetMsMinIndividual(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msMinIndividual : 0.0f;
public static float GetMsMaxIndividual(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msMaxIndividual : 0.0f;
public static int GetPresentOnFrameCount(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.presentOnFrameCount : 0;
public static float GetMsAtMedian(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msAtMedian : 0.0f;
public static int GetCountMin(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.countMin : 0;
public static int GetCountMax(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.countMax : 0;
public static int GetCount(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.count : 0;
public static float GetCountMean(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.countMean : 0.0f;
public static double GetMsTotal(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.msTotal : 0.0;
public static int GetMinDepth(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.minDepth : 0;
public static int GetMaxDepth(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.maxDepth : 0;
public static double GetTimeRemoved(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.timeRemoved : 0.0;
public static double GetTimeIgnored(MarkerData marker)
return marker != null ? marker.timeIgnored : 0.0;
public bool IsFullyIgnored()
if (timeIgnored > 0.0)
if (msTotal == 0.0)
return true;
return false;