2024-09-20 20:30:10 +02:00

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Developer's guide


Node Description
Formula Outputs the result of the formula entered, which has a user specified number of input ports. Can create vector 2,3,4 and access all variables by name (object, graph, scene, application, saved).
GetApplicationVariable Gets an application variable by name.
GetGraphVariable Gets a graph variable by name.
GetMember Invokes a getter via reflection (field or property, static or instance).
GetObjectVariable Gets an object variable by name.
GetSavedVariable Gets a saved variable by name.
GetSceneVariable Gets a scene variable by name.
GetVariable Gets a graph variable by name.
InvokeMember Invokes a method via reflection (static or instance).
IsApplicationVariableDefined Returns true if the variable is defined.
IsGraphVariableDefined Returns true if the variable is defined.
IsObjectVariableDefined Returns true if the variable is defined.
IsSavedVariableDefined Returns true if the variable is defined.
IsSceneVariableDefined Returns true if the variable is defined.
IsVariableDefined Returns true if the variable is defined.
This (formerly Self) Provides a reference to the GameObject that has the Machine Component running the graph.
SetApplicationVariable Sets an application variable by name.
SetGraphVariable Sets a graph variable by name.
SetMember Invokes a setter via reflection (field or property, static or instance).
SetObjectVariable Sets an object variable by name.
SetSavedVariable Sets a saved variable by name.
SetSceneVariable Sets a scene variable by name.
SetVariable Sets a variable by name.


Node Description
CountItems Provides a count of the number of items in the collection.
FirstItem Gets a reference to the first item in the collections.
LastItem Gets a reference to the last item in the collection.

Collections, Dictionaries

Node Description
AddDictionaryItem Adds Key/Value pair into dictionary.
ClearDictionary Removes all elements from the dictionary.
CreateDictionary Creates a local dictionary.
DictionaryContainsKey Returns true if the dictionary contains an entry with a matching key.
GetDictionaryItem Return value for a dictionary entry with the provided keys.
MergeDictionaries Combines the contents of two dictionaries into a single dictionary.
RemoveDictionaryItem Removes an entry from the dictionary with the provided key.
SetDictionaryItem Replaces the value of an existing entry with the provided key.

Collections, Lists

Node Description
AddListItem Adds an item to the list.
ClearList Removes all elements from the list.
CreateList Creates a local list.
GetListItem Gets the item in a list at the specified position provided by the index.
InsertListItem Inserts an item into a list at the specified position provided by the index.
ListContainsItem Returns true if the item is contained in the list.
MergeLists Combines the contents of two lists into a single list.
RemoveListItem Removes the item from the list (if it is present).
RemoveListItemAt Removes the item from the list that is at the specified position provided by the index.
SetListItem Replaces the item in the list with a new item at the specified position provided by the index.


Node Description
If (Formerly Branch) Executes the True branch if the provided input is true, otherwise executes the False branch.
Break Immediately exits the current loop.
Cache Flow node reads its input value whenever a value from any source is entered and outputs it when its output port is pulled.
For A loop control. The Body branch is executed, providing an Index equal to First. If execution isn't interrupted (for example, by Break), the Index is incremented by Step. If the Index is less than Last, the Body branch is executed again. This process repeats until the Index is greater than Last, at which point the Exit branch is executed and the loop terminates.
ForEach A loop control that executes Body once for every item (provided as Item) contained in the provided collection. Once completed, the Exit branch is executed.
Once Flow node with an internal state that triggers its output only the first time it is entered. Entering a second time does not trigger the output flow. After a reset, the next time you enter, will trigger the output flow.
SelectOnEnum Provides the object associated to the enum value provided as an input.
SelectOnFlow Provides the object associated to the incoming flow branch that triggered the node.
SelectOnInteger Data branching based on an input integer.
SelectOnString Data branching based on an input string.
SelectUnit Data branching based on an input enum.
Sequence Executes a series of branches in order. To determine the order, specify the number of steps in the sequence, labelled with their order (e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3).
SwitchOnEnum Executes the branch associated to the provided enum value.
SwitchOnInteger Flow branching based on an input integer.
SwitchOnString Flow branching based on an input string.
Throw Causes an exception with the provided message.
ToggleFlow Flow branching based on whether the node is On or Off, with inputs to set or toggle its On/Off state.
ToggleValue Flow branching based on whether a value got set to its associated On/Off value.
TryCatch Executes the Try branch. If an exception occurs in that branch, execute the Catch branch. Once the Try branch completes without exceptions or the Catch branch completes, the Finally branch is executed.
While Executes the Body branch. Repeat this step as long as the provide condition is true. When that condition is no longer true, execute the Exit branch.


Node Description
TriggerCustomEvent Triggers a custom event by name.


Node Description
And Logical AND (equivalent to &&) returns true if both operands are true and returns false otherwise.
Comparison All comparisons in one node: inputs A/B, outputs < <= > >= == !=, and so on.
Equal Logical AND (equivalent to &&) returns true if both operands are true and returns false otherwise.
ExclusiveOr Exclusive OR (equivalent to ^) compares the first operand to the second operand and returns true only when inputs differ (one is true, the other is false).
Greater Greater than (equivalent to >) returns false if the relationship in the expression is false; otherwise, returns true.
GreaterOrEqual Greater than or equal to (equivalent to >=) returns false if the relationship in the expression is false; otherwise, returns true.
Less Less than (equivalent to <) returns false if the relationship in the expression is false; otherwise, returns true.
LessOrEqual Less than or equal to (equivalent to <=) returns false if the relationship in the expression is false; otherwise, returns true.
Negate Negation (equivalent to !) reverses the meaning of its operand.
NotEqual The not equal to operator (equivalent to. !=) returns true if the operands don't have the same value; otherwise, it returns false.
Or Logical OR (equivalent to ||) returns true if either or both operands is true and returns false otherwise.

Math, Generic

Node Description
Add Calls the + operator on inputs.
Divide Calls the / operator on inputs.
Modulo Calls the % operator on inputs.
Multiply Call the * operator on inputs.
Subtract Calls the - operator on inputs.

Math, Scalar

Node Description
Absolute Absolute returns the absolute value of an integer.
Add Sum of two floats.
Average Average of all float inputs.
Divide Divides the first float by the second float and returns the result.
Exponentiate Raises the base to an exponent.
Lerp Interpolates within a range based on a parameter.
Maximum Computes the maximum values passed in its argument.
Minimum Computes the minimum values passed in its argument.
Modulo Returns the remainder of a float divided by another float.
MoveTowards Returns the result of moving Current towards Target by up to Max Delta.
Multiply Multiplies two floats.
Normalize Equivalent to MathF.Sign.
PerSecond Multiplies the value by the duration of the frame (for example, to move smoothly from frame to frame with a fixed speed).
Root Calculates x to the root of n.
Round Rounds a float - ceil, floor or closest integer.
Subtract Subtracts the first float from the second float and returns the result.
Sum Sum of multiple floats.

Math, Vector2

Node Description
Absolute Gives both the x and y values of a Vector2 a positive sign.
Add Sum of two vectors.
Angle Angle between two directional vectors.
Average Average of a series of Vector2 value.
Distance Distance between two Vector2 points.
Divide Divide the components of one Vector2 by the corresponding components of a second Vector2.
DotProduct Dot Product between two Vector2 values.
Lerp Interpolates within a range based on a parameter.
Maximum Computes the maximum values passed in its argument.
Minimum Computes the minimum values passed in its argument.
Modulo Returns a Vector2 where the components of the first vector are moduled by the corresponding components of the second vector.
MoveTowards Returns the result of moving Current towards Target by up to Max Delta.
Multiply Multiplies the corresponding components of two Vector2 values.
Normalize Returns a Vector2 with a magnitude of 1 that retains the same direction.
PerSecond Multiplies the value by the duration of the frame (for example, to move smoothly from frame to frame with a fixed speed).
Project Projects one vector onto another vector.
Round Rounds the components of a Vector2 to closest integer value.
Subtract Subtracts one Vector2 value from another Vector2 value.
Sum Adds two Vector2 values.

Math, Vector3

Node Description
Absolute Gives both the x and y values of a Vector3 a positive sign.
Add Sum of two vectors.
Angle Angle between two directional vectors.
Average Average of a series of Vector3 value.
Distance Distance between two Vector3 points.
Divide Divide the components of one Vector3 by the corresponding components of a second Vector3.
DotProduct Dot Product between two Vector3 values.
Lerp Interpolates within a range based on a parameter.
Maximum Computes the maximum values passed in its argument.
Minimum Computes the minimum values passed in its argument.
Modulo Returns a Vector3 where the components of the first vector are moduled by the corresponding components of the second vector.
MoveTowards Returns the result of moving Current towards Target by up to Max Delta.
Multiply Multiplies the corresponding components of two Vector3 values.
Normalize Returns a Vector3 with a magnitude of 1 that retains the same direction.
PerSecond Multiplies the value by the duration of the frame (for example, to move smoothly from frame to frame with a fixed speed).
Project Projects one vector onto another vector.
Round Rounds the components of a Vector3 to closest integer value.
Subtract Subtracts one Vector3 value from another Vector3 value.
Sum Adds two Vector3 values.

Math, Vector4

Node Description
Absolute Gives both the x and y values of a Vector4 a positive sign.
Add Sum of two vectors.
Angle Angle between two directional vectors.
Average Average of a series of Vector4 value.
Distance Distance between two Vector4 points.
Divide Divide the components of one Vector4 by the corresponding components of a second Vector4.
DotProduct Dot Product between two Vector4 values.
Lerp Interpolates within a range based on a parameter.
Maximum Computes the maximum values passed in its argument.
Minimum Computes the minimum values passed in its argument.
Modulo Returns a Vector4 where the components of the first vector are moduled by the corresponding components of the second vector.
MoveTowards Returns the result of moving Current towards Target by up to Max Delta.
Multiply Multiplies the corresponding components of two Vector4 values.
Normalize Returns a Vector4 with a magnitude of 1 that retains the same direction.
PerSecond Multiplies the value by the duration of the frame (for example, to move smoothly from frame to frame with a fixed speed).
Project Projects one vector onto another vector.
Round Rounds the components of a Vector4 to closest integer value.
Subtract Subtracts one Vector4 value from another Vector4 value.
Sum Adds two Vector4 values.


Node Description
GraphInput Gets the value of a graph input when the graph is used as a Subgraph.
GraphOutput Gets the value of a graph output when the graph is used as a Subgraph.
StateUnit References another state machine graph as a state in the current graph.
Subgraph References another flow graph as a Subgraph in the current graph.
TriggerStateTransition In a transition graph, triggers the transition to the target graph in the parent state machine graph.


Node Description
Null Null literal.
NullCheck Branching based on the input value being null.
NullCoalesce Returns the input value or a default value if the input value is null.


Node Description
Cooldown Coroutine node that can re-trigger its output only after a certain cooldown time interval.
Timer Coroutine node that triggers its output after a time interval.
WaitForEndOfFrameUnit Coroutine node that yields return new WaitForEndOfFrame().
WaitForFlow Coroutine node that waits until the input flow port is triggered.
WaitForNextFrameUnit Coroutine node that returns null.
WaitForSecondsUnit Coroutine node that returns new WaitForSeconds().
WaitUntilUnit Coroutine node that returns new WaitUntill(() => value).
WaitWhileUnit Coroutine node that returns new WaitUntill(() => !value).


Node Description
SaveVariables Forces saved variables to be saved to the PlayerPrefs (this is useful on platforms that do not support automatic save on quit).


Node Description
UnityEvent Called when a UnityEvent is pointed to TriggerUnityEvent.
CustomEvent Bolt's custom events, defined by name.

Events, Animation

Node Description
Animation Event Called when an animation event points to TriggerAnimationEvent. This version allows you to use the string parameter as the event name
Named Animation Event Called when an animation event points to TriggerAnimationEvent. This version allows you to use the string parameter as the event name.
OnAnimatorIK https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnAnimatorMove https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/

Events, Application

Node Description
OnApplicationFocus https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnApplicationLostFocus Implements
OnApplicationPause https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/
OnpplicationQuit https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/
OnApplicationResume Implements

Events, Editor

Node Description
OnDrawGizmos https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnDrawGizmosSelected https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/

Events, GUI

Node Description
OnBeginDrag Implements IBeginDragHandler
OnButtonClick Registers to a Button's onClick event
OnCancel Implements ICancelHandler
OnDeselect Implements IDeselectHandler
OnDrag Implements IDragHandler
OnDrop Implements IDropHandler
OnDropdownValueChanged Registers to a Dropdown's onValueChanged event
OnEndDrag Implements IEndDragHandler
OnGUI Triggers on MonoBehaviour.OnGUI
OnInputFieldEndEdit Registers to an InputField's onEndEdit event
OnInputFieldValueChanged Registers to an InputField's onValueChanged event
OnMove Implements IMoveHandler
OnPointerClick Implements IPointerClickHandler
OnPointerDown Implements IPointerDownHandler
OnPointerEnter Implements IPointerEnterHandler
OnPointerExit Implements IPointerExitHandler
OnPointerUp Implements IPointerUpHandler
OnScroll Implements IPointerScrollHandler
OnScrollbarValueChanged Registers to a Scrollbar's onValueChanged event
OnScrollRectValueChanged Registers to a ScrollRect's onValueChanged event
OnSelect Implements ISelectHandler
OnSliderValueChanged Registers to a Sliders's onValueChanged event
OnSubmit Implements ISubmitHandler
OnToggleValueChanged Registers to a Toggle's onValueChanged event

Events, Hierarchy

Node Description
OnTransformChildrenChanged https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnTransformParentChanged https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/

Events, Input

Node Description
OnButtonInput On Update, checks Input.GetButtonDown/GetButtonUp/GetButton based on the specified Action type
OnKeyboardInput On Update, check Input.GetKeyDown/GetKeyUp/GetKey based on the specified action type
OnMouseDown https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnMouseDrag https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnMouseEnter https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnMouseExit https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnMouseInput https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/
OnMouseOver https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnMouseUp https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnMouseUpAsButton https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/

Events, Lifecycle

Node Description
FixedUpdate https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
LateUpdate https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnDestroy https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnDisable https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnEnable https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
Start https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
Update https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/

Events, Navigation

Node Description
OnDestinationReached Trigger if a NavMeshAgent's remaining distance to its target is less than the provided threshold and either has a current NavMeshPathStatus of PathComplete or requireSuccess is false.

Events, Physics

Node Description
OnCollisionEnter https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnCollisionExit https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnCollisionStay https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnControllerColliderHit https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnJointBreak https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnParticleCollision https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnTriggerEnter https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnTriggerExit https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnTriggerStay https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/

Events, Physics 2D

Node Description
OnCollisionEnter2D https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnCollisionExit2D https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnCollisionStay2D https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnControllerColliderHit2D https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/
OnJointBreak2D https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnParticleCollision2D https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/
OnTriggerEnter2D https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnTriggerExit2D https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnTriggerStay2D https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/

Events, Rendering

Node Description
OnBecameInvisible https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
OnBecameVisible https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/

Events, State

Node Description
OnEnterState When a state is entered.
OnExitState When a state is exited.